It’s not secret that starting a personal training business is great financial undertaking. Many personal trainers take out loans of various kinds when starting their own business.However, it is also worth considering whether there are any grants or other forms of financial assistance that might be available to you.
It is important to note that grants are not available for starting a business. However, there are grants that cover things such as business expansion, research and development, and innovation. Grants and various funding initiatives are available from Australian, state and territory governments, as well as some local councils. It’s well worth investigating the various funding programs that are out there.
Click here to go to the Australian government website’s tool to search for government grants and assistance.
For Australian government grants that provide support for industry, research, and innovation, click here to go to AusIndustry.
For those starting a small business, it is worth considering the Small Business Support Line. Here you can access both information as well as referral services. You can find out about government initiatives, grants and assistance.
As we’ve mentioned, some local councils offer funding programs. Click here for the directory of contact details, should you wish to contact your local council.
It’s important to investigate all possible sources of financial assistance that might be available as you start and expand you personal training business.
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