1 – Experiment With Flyers
Before you go and spend several thousand dollars on a yellow pages ad, you can test your ads with Flyers as they are low cost and can be produced in smaller runs. Of course, it is well understood that a flyer drop will not bring the same response as a yellow pages ad, however it is a great idea to test your idea’s first. At the end of the day it all comes back to ROI, (return on investment.
2 – Experiment With Headlines
Remember that the size of your headline can make an impact. In addition to this, the copy that you use will be of utmost importance. Are you using emotional copywriting that will potentially appeal to your target market? Are you attempting to sell people on features or benefits?
3 – Experiment With Various Offers
What is your compelling offer? What are you prepared to give away to your potential new clients in return for getting them to respond to you?
4 – Experiment With Value Adding
If you go through the various components to your business, I am sure that there will be plenty of great things that you can value add to your product or service. These “things” may not seem like they have much value to you, however they have a HUGE potential value to your future clients. Some of these may be:
- E-books
- FREE Reports
- Consultations
- Group Classes
- Fitness assessments
- Non-sweat Coaching
- Tele-seminar
- Email consultation
- Phone consultation
Each and every one of these will have a value attached to it, so make your potential new clients aware of this. You might find that you have packaged up over $1000 worth of value for an insanely discounted price (say $99) or better still as a Value-add when they purchase one of your programs.
5 – Experiment With Layout
It’s a great idea to experiment with various form’s of layout, however just remember that the most effective advertisements are the most simple! That’s right, never attempt to be too cool or too funky. Get your message clear and powerful!
6 – Experiment With The Size
When printing Flyers and experimenting with various types of advertising, give your best effort towards having a variety of sizes and use this effectively. When you are testing an measuring the response of each advertisement, then you will get a clear idea of your cost.
7 – Experiment With The Medium
The local paper did not work for you? Don’t stress, maybe you are targeting the wrong message. The clearer that you can get with your USP and your target market, the more understanding you will have on where to actually find them.
8 – Experiment With Codes
To accurately test and measure the response of any flyers or ad’s that you run, simply place a call to action or a specific offer on the ad that requires people to respond to it, for example:
Advertisements with a cut-out will have a specific code at the bottom (eg DEC08)
Directed to your website and enter the specific code (eg CPTW)
Set-up a separate phone line to measure the response
Simply call in and ask for “Jim” may be another method, next month, it might be “Jill”
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