Watch the insightful CPTW YouTube clip that tells you all about using audio marketing for personal trainers:
Audio Marketing – why it works
Strategy number 5 is to record some audio. This one is the easiest one to do! There are a few different ways you can record an audio:
- you can get onto your computer and download a free program like Audacity
- you can get a voice recorder
- even better, you’ll notice that most phones come with a voice recorder so you can put in your headphones and hit the Record button and speak right into your phone
How long does it have to be? It doesn’t matter. You can speak for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 2 minutes, you choose.
Choose any topic. I bet if we went through a whole range of things you could talk on different topics: nutritional topics, something that’s popular in the media about health and fitness… The things that you can do here are limitless.
It’s easy to just record it onto your phone or voice recorder, download it into your computer, and you have an audio file that can be uploaded to your website or your blog. It’s just another way for you to get information to people.
But there’s a lot more to marketing that just audio marketing. Carry on reading this series of posts with great videos with essentials business tips for personal trainers.
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