When you are starting a personal training business you need to understand and comply with all the relevant taxation obligations. There are several things that you need to know:
- Which tax register to apply for
- Record keeping and information management requirements
- Which Australian Government taxes you need to pay
- Which state, territory and local taxes you need to pay
- Which business tax deductions you can claim
- Whether you’re eligible for the small business tax break and other concessions
- How to report and pay business tax
Although this can be very daunting and confusing at first, there are lots of avenues available to you that will provide you with all the answers, information and guidance that you need.
For helpful information, such as whether your business is ready to meet its tax obligations, visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) at www.ato.gov.au/taxready.
You can register with the ATO for free and confidential on-site visits to tackle all your business tax questions. To register for such a visit, go to www.ato.gov.au/assistancevisit.
Most states and territories offer a range of free seminars and workshops on a variety of tax-related topics. Register online at www.ato.gov.au/seminars.
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