Automated Systems – Part 3
In this article we are going to recap how to find clients, needs, fears, frustrations and desires. We need to make sure that you understand the feelings and emotions of your clients. Once you have achieved that you can then refine your service to exactly meet your client needs. This equals less work long terms and more profit for service.
In the last article we looked at how to start the transition from what you’re currently doing, to becoming a specialist in your chosen niche. Remember that you need to make this transition stepwise, so that your business continues while you’re doing it.
To do that we covered in detail the first 3 steps of the transition:
Are you in business to provide customers what they need?
Your answer is likely, “Of course I am! Why would I sell a customer something they don’t need?”
The old saying, “He could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo” comes to mind here. While this comment was intended to be a compliment to a fantastic salesperson, I suggest that we’re so much better than that – as we should be – because no one really wants to sell anyone something they don’t need.
However, in looking at the most successful companies and their positioning statements, it is apparent that if we want to rise above the rest in our industry, and stand out from the crowd to create huge success, we must not (cannot!) focus solely on what customers NEED.
We must focus on what services they WANT.
For example, insurance companies know their customers need insurance. Even their customers know this! But every insurance agent in the world would have to agree with the statement that “Everyone knows they need insurance, but no one really WANTS insurance!”
So, what do insurance buyers want? From whom do they buy insurance – and why? A hint to the answer lies in Allstate Insurance’s tag line: “You’re in good hands with Allstate.”
What buyers really want is the peace of mind that comes from having insurance, so their loved ones will be protected in case of emergency.
Look at other popular insurance companies and you’ll see that their focus is also on buyers’ WANTS, not their NEEDS, such as “Prudential… the rock.”
Just as good customer service is a “given” in any industry (helping us realize that we can no longer focus on the usual, the expected, or the simply good in the area of service), we cannot focus on the “given” regarding customer needs if we ever hope to stand out from the crowd in our industry.
In cases where buyers know they must purchase something because of need, logic will cause them to buy… emotion will cause them to buy from you.
An additional benefit is that when you impact customers’ emotions, they don’t worry so much about the impact on their wallets because they connect much more with the value of receiving their heart’s desire than simply what it costs.
So, what do your buyers want? Is it your product or service? Or is it what your product or service can do for them? You’ve already figured out what they need – or you wouldn’t be in business.
Now, figure out what your buyers really want and help your business soar.
1. Magic Wand Technique
To take the guess work out of what you think your clients want, it is far more effective and accurate to simply ask them. This is done in your first face to face interview process with them.
Here’s what you could say to your potential client to achieve your desired outcome:
The below conversation would take place after you help the person identify what they need help with and what their goals are. You would have also overcome any objections or concerns they might have about working with you in this section as well. (We will cover more on the selling process in our later articles, along with a bonus mp3 download to go with it)
You: Jane, now that you are certain that I can help you achieve your wedding day goals, I would like you to help me, so I can best serve you.
Jane: Sure!
You: Jane, if I could hand you a magic wand and asked you to create your ideal personal training program that addresses any needs, wants, fears or frustrations. What services would it have?
Once you’ve got the whole list, how can you provide these things in a low cost to deliver, but high value to client way?
Example: Brides To Be Overhaul Program.
Jane told you that not knowing what type of dress would suit her body was a real concern:
Solution: Consultation with a fashion stylist to help with the dress which suits your client’s body shape best.
Note: You arrange with a stylist to give your clients a free consultation in return for generating leads for their business. I would personally meet your client and introduce them to the stylist as part of your service.
Putting into place services such as the above example will make you stand out from the crowd. Believe me, once the word gets out that you are the specialist in this area, your only problem will be keeping up with the growth of your business. Not a bad problem to have hey!
2. Survey Your Current Data Base
One of the most underutilized methods for refining your service to exactly meet your client’s needs is doing surveys. I recommend that you do a customer care survey at least once per year for all your current clients. Offer some sort of reward for clients completing the survey which is perceived high value but doesn’t affect your bottom line. Example: Extra group fitness class.
I have regularly used surveys over the years with outstanding success. It has literally saved me thousands of dollars. Not to mention the many hours I would have spent trying to figure out what my clients needs were. The best part is that I provided services based on what my clients were telling me. So my clients felt really valued and look after. For me, it meant less time at work and more playtime while having the money to do so.
For online surveys, I use it is really user friendly and provides you with accurate and easy to read spreadsheet results of your surveys.
Now you know what’s in the service, you can decide on price.
Factors to consider are:
1. What value are they getting?
2. How much are they willing / able to pay?
3. Where on the bath-tub diagram do you want to be? (eg fewer clients / higher price)
4. What is the competition charging?
5. What do you think you’re worth? (Most important!)
Examples (eg $400 per hour) Price testing Different pricing models (eg price for outcome, rather than per session)
Are you targeting professional woman who earn $60,000+ while struggling to find the time to exercise, stay in shape and maintain the energy they need to keep up with their busy lifestyle.I guess knowing that this is the type of client you are after makes it easier to market to them and for them to find you with your marketing.
Decide how many clients you want at what price and for how many hours a week (set a goal!) I call this starting with the end in mind. This way you can work backwards and it makes all your other business decisions easier.
Example: If you only want to work 20 hours per week and want to earn $2,000 per week, then you know that you need to charge $100.00 per hour. This would gross you $104,000 for the year.
Or if you think like I do and have moved away from focusing on an hourly rate, then you could charge per program instead. We will cover more on designing PT programs in following articles.
In short a PT client service program would work like this:
You put together a program “example”: called Trim & Tone aimed at woman only.
The program contains 1 x 45 minute training session per week, monthly supplementation to aid in accelerated weight loss, weekly emails with health & fitness tips, audio training program downloadable on mp3 players while not training with a trainer, plus 1 group training session per week Cost $135 p/w or $6,800 up front for 12 months.
You can figure out the math on the above example if your goal was to earn $100,000+.
So, sit down with a pen and paper and start deciding what you would like to create as services for your PT clients. Look at your target market and determine where they are, combine this information and it will give you ideas of the services you can offer and the price points for those PT Sessions. Please come share your experiences with us on our facebook page
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