Automated Systems – Part 4
This article is about deciding what you actually want from your business and how you are going to achieve it. It may seem like this article is backtracking, but I have purposely done it this way to make sure you don’t jump ahead without a clear focus of where you want to head. It is important to understand what’s needed when developing a PT Business plan.
Start with the end in mind when creating your PT business plan…
I call this starting with the end in mind. This way you can work backwards and it makes all your other business decisions easier.
As mentioned in the previous article…
the real benefit of having defined programs is that you add great value to your clients and service without having to do more hours. The other great thing is that you get away from focusing on an hourly rate and more towards a program designed to guarantee their results and stay in shape.
The big breakthrough here is to help you get over the fear of asking for a long-term commitment.
So many trainers that I have coached in the past, when asked to do this, reply by saying that they don’t want to sound like a gym. I understand that having to ask someone for a long term commitment can be scary. But once you have the knowledge, system and understanding of how this process works, you will never go back.
Imagine only ever having to ask your client once for money and getting paid on time, every time, for a longer period of time and this is all done automatically. If you are not currently using this process, then my bet is that you constantly have to ask for money, which makes you a commodity. Secondly, I bet you shake in your boots every time your client’s 10 pack comes up for renewal.
So we need to stop kidding ourselves when we use the line – “I don’t want to be like a Gym”…because that’s not the truth. You are not a gym, that’s clear.
The truth is that you may have a fear around asking for long- term business. This can occur out of fear of not getting the business and also it seems easier to just offer a 10 pack.
The only problem is you have actually bought your clients focus onto money first and results second.
Is it not your job as a fitness professional to provide the person asking for your help the best possible solution to their problem? You and I both know that a 10 pack isn’t going to get your clients results, so why recommend it? I also understand that up until now, you have not known a better way to promote yourself, as they don’t teach you this stuff. This concept alone is worth a fortune to anybody who runs with it.
Well, I have spent more time on this topic then intended, but I want to plant a seed for you now, so when I cover it in a step-by-step process later you will be ready to go.
Back on Track with Your PT Business Plan
Too many trainers get into business without setting a goal stating how much they would like to earn per year. This makes it impossible to figure out how many hours to do every week or what to charge.
So, let’s take an important step back for moment and make sure that you are clear on the purpose of your fitness business.
- they are concise rather than wordy,
- updated regularly, and/li>
- have a strategic focus.
So, it’s important that you start with your end goal in mind. The path there becomes much more clear once you have a clear vision.
What should your PT Business Plan look like?
The answer will largely depend on the scale and complexity of the business involved and the purpose for which the business plan is required. For example, someone wanting to set up a business as a massage practitioner, operating as a sole trader with no employees, would have very different needs to an established gym with 100 employees needing capital to expand and penetrate other areas.
That said, all fitness business plans need to address some key elements:
1. Establish the Business Vision
Choose a specific future date (three years’ time is a good time frame) and describe what your fitness business will look like. Try writing down your business goal in one concise sentence. The more specific your aim, the easier it will be for you to stay true to your business vision.
2. Set Your Goals
It is often helpful to work backwards, for example 36 months, 24 months, 12 months, six months, three months, two months, and one month. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-bound.
3. Develop a Unique Selling Proposition
What is going to make your business stand out? In developing your marketing message, it’s very helpful to develop a Unique Selling Proposition, or USP.
Your USP should very clearly answer the question, “Why should I do business with you instead of your competitors?”
The USP may be used repetitively in your sales, marketing, advertising and promotions to build your customers’ identification of your company with your product or service.
There are two major benefits in developing the USP. Firstly, it clearly differentiates your business in the eyes of your current and potential customers. Secondly, it focuses you and your team on delivering the promise of the USP, helping to improve your internal performance.
So, it’s now time to have your business plan clearly outlined, keeping in mind that as your business grows, it may change. Then print it out or having it somewhere you can view it at least once per week to make sure you are on the right track.
Come share your vision with us on our facebook page. There are thousands of like minded people going on the same journey as yourself. Find out how they do things – and share your successes!
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