Here’s How You Can Quickly And Easily Get Your Fitness Marketing Done For You, Which Is Guaranteed To Generate An Abundance Of Leads, Increase Your Cash Flow Immediately…Without Having To Do Any Of The Hands On Work!
Stop Putting Up With A Lack Of Leads In Your Fitness Business
From The Desk Of: Jason Urbanowicz & Brad Sheppard
Dear Fellow Fitness Professional,
If “you’re” interested in creating a huge (and immediate) cash flow for your Fitness Business, then keep reading because you’re about to discover the ONLY done for you marketing system of its kind.
How Much Is A New Client Worth To Your Business Over The Course Of A Year?
Suppose you could skip

Just Plug, Play, Copy & Paste Your Way To Fitness Profits Via Our Done For You Marketing System
If you like the sounds of getting your hands on this done for you system, then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read.
Imagine, for a moment, that it’s Four weeks from today & you have more leads then you can handle. Would you be ok with that kind of problem?
Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn’t if you have the right proven system to follow.
Think about it.
Don’t people who want to get in shape hire you because you have the expertise & education?
Do they really want to spend years studying the body, nutrition and how to exercise properly?
No, they don’t.
They want to fast track all that by hiring an expert, YOU.
Now imagine that you could get your hands on marketing that has already been done for you, so you never have to stress about where your new leads are going to come from?
“So why not piggy” back off all our blood sweat and tears it has taken us to develop the skills to be experts in this area.
“This Is The Closest Thing” You Will Ever Find To A Magic Pill For The Fitness Professional That Wants To Become A Marketing Expert, Without Doing The Hard Work.
But Creating That Magic Pill Is The Hard Part…
It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that makesome magic pill work – while others fall flat on their face.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with a lead generation and marketing system that works, you can now have it Done For You with this breakthrough system:
Fitness Marketing Done For You!
At last!

Then after using Fitness Marketing Done For You this same person had this to report
Yes, that’s all it took!
I Know, Because It Has Worked For Thousands Of Fitness Professionals Just Like You. However, I don’t expect you to believe me until you see even more proof.
Don’t just take my word for it – check out these real-life examples:
I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly – your situation is NOT hopeless.
The big problem is that 95% of Fitness Professionals who suffer from a lack of results in effective marketing have never been exposed to it.
Or at least been exposed to what actually works!
Here Are The Three Biggest Myths About Marketing That Will Never Get You The Results You Want:
MYTH # 1: The first one is you need to have a fancy logo and pictures on your marketing material.
What you need to understand when it comes to marketing is this.
What’s in it for your potential client?
The only person who cares about your flashy logo is you and your mum.
The same goes for images or as I call them, image adds.
You need to put your potential client’s head on and ask yourself, if you saw your ad, would you pick up the phone?
You need to treat business cards, flyers etc as valuable real estate.
Too many people waste their time and money on designing fancy pieces of marketing that look pretty, but do nothing else.
This is why newspapers are in black and white and have bold headlines that catch people’s attention to read the article.
Understand that you have less then 5 seconds to grab someone’s attention, which is why your headline needs to stand out and speak to your potential clients and not have them get lost in the pretty colours and pictures.
MYTH # 2 The second is putting prices on any of your marketing.
If you do this, then people will make their decision about your service wholly and solely on price alone.
Some people might think, they are so cheap their service must match and on the flipside, people might think, I’m not paying that much for personal training.
Your only aim of your marketing is to tap into your potential clients pain, frustrations or desires, so they contact you to find out more.
Then and only then, you can build rapport, uncover their wants, desires and provide them with as solution to their problems.
People will avoid going to the dentist for a number of reasons, it can be scary for them, painful for them, so they will put it off.
But if you have ever had a bad toothache, you will pay whatever it costs to make the pain go away.
Your job is to sell the client on the result and value of what your service will deliver to them.
If you don’t, I can tell you this, you are literally losing out on thousands and thousands of dollars you don’t even know about.
So remember, your only job is to sell them into contacting you and having an appointment.
MYTH # 3 The third is trying to speak to more then one niche on your marketing. EG: Mum’s, Fat Loss, Strength and Muscle Gain.
This is called the shotgun approach.
I will shoot my shotgun and hopefully hit everyone. What mostly happens is, you miss everyone.
It’s ok to have multiple Niche’s, but only market to one at a time.
If you are targeting mums who want to get back into shape after having a baby, it’s easy to connect with their frustrations, desires and provide a solution.
I always ask myself this one question, who has my clients before I do or where do they hang out?
What mags do they read? See how it makes your job not only easier, but you will have way better results and your money will be well spent.
Wouldn’t you agree that it’s crazy to think you’ll get different results if you keep doing the same thing over and over again?
If I keep touching a hot stove and kept getting burnt – I’d be silly to think the next time I touch that hot stove I won’t get burnt.
That’s why you need to try something different just like these people…
Here’s How Fitness Marketing Done For You Can Help You Get The Phone Ringing Off The Hook Starting Today…
You see; we’ve just completed this breakthrough resource that gives you a step-by-step formula for attracting new leads to contact you and convert them into long term paying clients.
It’s different than anything else on Fitness Marketing you’ve seen or available.
This program has taken over 10 years of our own personal experience and the thousands of personal trainers we have mentored to develop.
Let us show you what you are going to receive with this Breakthrough Done For You Marketing System
Module 1 Precision Fitness Advertisements
Offline marketing is still a highly effective way to generate quality leads into your business.
Compared with people who only sell products online, your clients live in the area your business is.
The most important part of this method is to make sure your marketing makes it inside their home and not in the rubbish bin.
We have included template flyers that have been proven to get great results and massively reduce ending up in the bin.
You can simply change the flyer to have your contact details and logo and the rest is done for you.
These templates follow a proven marketing method used by the world’s greatest marketers & now, you as well.
Here’s what you get in this Module:
Module 2 Client Attraction Template Letters
Here’s the honest truth about copywriting! If you don’t evoke some sort of emotion (and yes, this means you could actually offend someone) your marketing will die on the table.
If you have ever written an Ad or sales letter and got little to no response, I’m 99.9% sure your copy the reason.
In this module we have written the letters for you, all you need to do is fill in the blanks.
I still today use templates to save me time, make sure I follow the proven method that works over and over and get a shitload of leads.
Here’s what you get in this Module:
7 Done For You Emotional Response Letters:
Remember, it’s always the way it is asked and never just about asking.
I bet your referrals system or referrals could be improved and this letter will do just that.
How much money have you left on the table by not having a follow up program?
We have done the second follow up letter for you and you’ll be amazed at how effective this letter works. Crazy effective.
Module 3 Hypnotic Branding That Attracts Clients
Unless you have our secret formula for designing business cards, email signatures, car signage or even A – frames signage, you might as well flush your money down the toilet.
It’s sounds harsh I know, but I care enough to tell you the truth about what works and what doesn’t.
Once again, we have provided proven and tested branding from our real life clients so you can have plenty of examples of what works and what don’t.
Here’s what you get in this Module:
Module 4 100 Prospects Per Month Marketing
In this module, you will get access to our lead box system which can have you getting up to 100 plus leads per month.
Once again, we see too many people doing this incorrectly and:
A) not getting quality leads,
B) not getting many leads at all
C) Not being able to convert them into sales appointments or clients.
You see, it’s 9/10 never the method, but the way it is getting used & I’m sure you could relate that to exercise programs and why some people get in shape and others don’t.
Here’s what you get in this Module:
A collection of 15 amazing tested and proven products right at your finger tips for just $97.00. Normal value is well over $597.00.
Here’s your chance to put this into action…
Better yet… here’s a chance too get one up on your competitors, and escape the ME TO trainer syndrome just like these people:
We could easily sell this product for at least $497.00 all day long.
But here at Create PT Wealth, we have a strict policy of OVER-DELIEVERING value…
I Want To Make This Offer So Irresistible And Such A No Brainer, So When You Get Your Hands On This Breakthrough System (before) You Will Also Receive A FREE Bonus Product Valued At $97.00.
Mega Bonus #1 The Xmas Gift That Every PT Wants/ NEEDS
How To Gain Clients Before & After Xmas Done For You Letter + More
This system will take away the stress and financial worries of that special time, Christmas and New Year.
Imagine having a system that enables you to be cash positive over the Christmas break, along with a bunch of already pre-sold clients waiting to start in the New Year.
But it gets better, what about getting huge cash injection over this period so you can go away or simply enjoy Christmas without watching your bank balance drop.
Mega Bonus #2 Step By Step Website Lead Generator
If you currently have a website then this is a must for you, follow this proven system to ensure you generate an abundance of leads into your fitness business.
And if you don’t yet have a website, then you need to use this template as your step by step guide.
Don’t be like 80% of websites out there (online brochures) stand out from all the other personal trainers and their crappy websites.
If this whole thing sounds to good to be true, then I have succeeded!
But for $97.00, what have you got too lose, apart from a shitload of new leads; clients & massive profits increase in your business?
I’m actually wondering myself, why we have spent so much time putting so much effort into selling a $97.00 product and the simple answer is we care about giving back to our industry.
We would also like this to be a first little step in us both getting to know each other. I understand the law of give first, to then receive.
And who knows, maybe we will work with you on a more personal and powerful level down the track.
But for right now, if you will allow me to guide you in the right direction, grab this product now.
Lastly, of course if you don’t believe it’s worth the $97.00 then check this out.
But Let Us Take Away Any Doubts You May Have
Let’s do a quick comparison – last time I checked, getting someone to develop all of the above would set you back at least $3,997 dollars and that’s being conservative.
Or you could pay anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 to do a mentoring program in how to do it yourself.
The other option is for you to shell out thousands of dollars or more buying up all kinds of expensive Marketing books that will most likely only sit on your shelf gathering dust.
Frankly, none of these options really seemed fair to me.
So I figured out a way to provide you with a real bargain….
This sensational resource Fitness Marketing Done For You is available to you as downloadable templates, manual and directly accessible from the Internet.
This way we have no inventory and no fulfilment costs.
We don’t need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone.
This way I can pass along my cost savings to you.
So you win and we win. But don’t worry, downloading the information in Fitness Marketing Done For You is a real snap, I’m no “techno whiz” and I had no problem. (It works perfectly with both MAC and PC computers.)
In fact, your total investment for the entire Fitness Marketing Done For You resource is just $97.00.
Normally $197 Now Only $97
You will be downloading and implementing from this breakthrough information within just a few minutes… and using it to skyrocket you’re marketing and lead response in no time.
Jason Urbanowicz & Brad Sheppard
P.S. If you continue to market your business the same way, you’re going to get the same results. What we are offering you is the easiest, most risk-free way to boost the profits in your business so you can see for yourself how our proven methods can make you an expert marketer, without all the hard work so you can earn the income and lifestyle you have always wanted.