How to create raving fans using these top customer service strategies!
Most business owners spend most of their time on getting new customers and very little time looking after the ones they already have.

While new clients are the life blood of any business, keeping current customers happy and coming back for more can result in substantial returns for your business. Clients referring you to people they know is the easiest way to get new customers. Keep your current customers happy by using these customer service strategies to track and measure your performance.

Why should you look after your current client base as well as find new clients?

Research shows that current clients will spend 33% more with you than a new client, yet it costs double the amount of time, money and effort to obtain a new customer. While a growing business always needs new customers, a business that is more profitable looks after their current customers which means they will spend more with you (for less of your effort) and recommend you to their friends.

Therefore, implementing good customer service strategies into your business is essential

Below is a list of the Top 5 things you can do to make sure your customer service strategies are focused on retaining all the good clients you worked hard to get.

Top Customer Service Strategy #1…
Be a good listener and respond to clients as soon as possible
When your customers are talking about a new program they heard about or are wanting to train to improve a particular part of their body listen to this and if possible include it into their current program with you, or create another program centered around this core activity. If a client calls you or messages you with a question get back to them as soon as possible, the same day if you can.

Top Customer Service Strategy #2….

Under promise and over deliver BUT keep your promises.
People like to be surprised, so think up ways to reward your loyal customers by giving them something extra every so often. A fruit and veg delivery company in Adelaide sends a red rose with every 10th order – unexpected by the recipient but over an above what they paid for – which was a box of fruit and veg. If you say the class starts at 6am, be there before 5:50am (earlier if you need to set up). If the class starts at 6am, honour those who turned up on time by starting at 6am. By doing these things your clients will trust what you say and be delighted you care enough about them to think of them even when not at a training session with you

CPTW Custoemr Service Strategies

Top Customer Service Strategy #3 Get Regular Feedback
Regularly ask your customers for feedback about your services and you as the service provider. By doing this you will ensure your customers know you care about the services you provide to them and want to improve and/or adapt your services to meet their needs. You can do this in a few ways, in writing (by posting them a survey), via an online survey, or just asking them every so often “how are you finding the course so far is there anything I can do to improve it?

Top Customer Service Strategy #4…

Know how to apologize and fix your mistakes

If you need to say sorry for something say it! This does not mean you are wrong, it just means you are sorry for upsetting them or making a mistake. This will show them you care about the service you provide to them.

Top Customer Service Strategy #5…

Develop a good customer service system, stick to it so they know you are reliable and trustworthy.
Decide what you will implement in your business in terms of a customer service system and stick to it. If you are going to send regular emails to people, text messaging, birthday cards and updates on Facebook then do these regularly. Set up a timetable to keep yourself accountable for getting these messages out so that people know they can rely on you for the services you provide.

If you implement this Top 5 in your business over time you will notice your clients will engage with you more responsively. They will start taking their time spent with you more seriously and will recommend you to people they know, thus increasing your customer base and income.