As Featured In
But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It, Check Out What Some High Profile People Have To Say About It.
Let’s take a closer look at what you will uncover from this book:
Check Out Our Success Stories

Shane Da Costa – Miyagi
“$100,000 Revenue Per Month Underneath The Roof Of Fitness First -All This Was Possible Because Of The Business Coaching From CPTW”

Victoria Loney – VL Fitness
“I Have Gone From 45 Sessions / Week For $1,300 To 8 Sessions / Week At $3,000 – I Directly Correlate My Success From Being On The Internship Program”

Eman Marquez – Elite Movers
“I Have A Team Of 3 PT’s, Make $6,000 / Week And I Don’t Do Any PT Sessions Anymore – CPTW Helped Me To Set Up Systems That Are Proven”

Jess Sullivan – F45
“Create PT Wealth Helped Me Grow My F45 From 244 Members To 308 Members Which Represents A Weekly Increase Of $4,541 – Just Bought My 2nd Location”
Before We Go Any Further, Here’s An Introduction To Your Two Authors
Brad Sheppard
Fitness Professional of the year titleholder, Brad Sheppard, having run Peak-Physique Personal Training in Brisbane Australia for 18 years, building that business to a team of 13 Personal Trainers and 200hrs of Personal Training per week. Brad is well recognized as one of Australia’s best and highest paid Personal Trainers, commanding $440/session.
Brad is the co-director of Create PT Wealth. Australia’s if not the world’s largest Business Coaching and Mentoring program for Personal Trainers. Brad has taught thousands of Personal Trainers Internationally the methods on how to become Multi Six-Figure Personal Trainers.
Brad is a highly sought after corporate health, business and motivational speaker and has delivered over 300 live presentations at events including all the major health & fitness events throughout Australia and overseas.
He is passionate about creating a more professional fitness industry by volunteering his time on the REPS council of Fitness Australia. And now is the right time to spread that mission overseas as well.
Jason Urbanowicz
Jason was a struggling Personal Trainer getting frustrated with earning about $20,000 per year, 18 years old! Then something amazing happened… he was introduced to some strategies and methods that helped him break free of his limitations, which turned his business and life around. In less than 12 months he had earned over $120,000 And was only worked 20 hours per week.
The following year he had more than doubled that again and it hasn’t stopped.
Witnessing other trainers and friends frustrations and limitations with the business side of things, he decided to take action and provide them with his system for success.
It was at this time that Jason joined forces with good friend and Australia’s highest paid Trainer Brad Sheppard and Create PT Wealth was formed.
Before Create PT Wealth, Jason was a partner in a Multi-Million Dollar Personal Development Company, so he knows firsthand what it takes mentally, emotionally and intellectually to go from struggling, to running a multi-million dollar business.
Jason is the co-author of two besting selling books and International Speaker, but his main passion is teaching workshops to Personal Trainers all over the globe.
There Are No Smoke And Mirrors Or Hyped Up Promises That Don’t Deliver Here… We Are The Real Deal!
You see; we know what it’s like to try and increase your profits and success of your business without becoming burnt out.
We know the frustrations you have when trying to build up your business.
How about trying to figure out where to find new clients without spending a fortune on expensive and useless advertising.
Maybe you have been blessed and have all the clients you desire without needing to advertise. But, you have also experience times when you have had a number of clients leave at once and this means a big reduction in income until they are replaced.
Wouldn’t it be good not to experience that or at least have a system in place that meant you don’t take that big drop in income?
And instead, use our method that mean you will never be caught with your pants down and can have at least 4-weeks to replace them, before you actually need to.
Not to mention using our lead generation system which is proven to have a weekly supply of new clients begging to use your service.
We also understand that there are plenty of so called experts out there, who promise the heaven and earth to you, make it sound simple to do and then all they do is try and sell you into their more expensive programs.
Well, we are not promoting a get rich quick concept or promising you can make millions overnight. What we can promise you are proven and effective methods to increase the success of your business in the short term and long term.
Grab This Book Now And Unlock Over $700 in Bonuses
– Bonus #1
Breakthrough any limiting behavior or self-sabotaging roadblock in less than 10 seconds.
– Bonus #2
Brad’s secrets on what it took for him to go from $30 per hour, to Australia’s highest paid trainer at $440. He also reveals what it took to go from a solo trainer to building a team of 13 trainers doing 200 PT hours Per Week. MP3 Download
– Bonus #4
Downloadable templates to make sure you provide the solution your customers are looking for when choosing a Personal Trainer
– Bonus #5
Downloadable Templates to develop a powerful lead generation system
– Bonus #7
Video on how to have a killer sales system that converts 9/10 prospects
– Bonus #9
How to build a website that converts leads into paying customers, without you actually having to build the website yourself
– Bonus #10
How to effectively use social media to build your tribe of followers and build your business